Cigar Bar Service
Offering a luxury cigar bar service for any special event loaded with high-quality premium cigars and tobacco accessories for all your guests to enjoy. This luxury cigar bar service has a non-refundable set up fee.
OPEN BAR: All cigars are complimentary to guests, and we will charge you for only the cigars that were enjoyed during the event.
CASH BAR: Your guests will be tasked with paying for their own cigars.
This package offers:
~ Complete delivery, set up and break down of cigar bar station
~ 200 cigars of your choice (Havana Castle Cigars has a large selection of cigars ranging from $3 to $110 per stick)
~ An experienced and knowledgeable cigar expert which will provide guests with cigar recommendations, and guidance on how to properly cut, light and enjoy a cigar
~ Cutting & lighting station to allow guests to smoke on-sight (if venue permits smoking)
Additional Add-Ons:
Havana Castle St. Catharines offers premium cigar accessories, leather travel cases, humidor boxes, cigar stands, cigar nubbers and more... any additional items can be added to your table.
To request a quote please use our contact form or reach us directly at
PHONE: 905 397-7788