Smoke Shop in St. Catharines, ON

Havana Castle Cigars provides the ultimate collection of authentic premium cigars, tobacco products and smoke accessories. Our inventory of fragrant and well-crafted cigars is sourced from reputable cigar production facilities worldwide.

Along with carrying the largest selection of high quality cigars in the area, we curate our own premium house blend cigar collection with attention to detail and focused discipline to maintain our reputation and industry-standard production. Our end goal is to offer perfection in terms of customer service, store aesthetic, and the best cigar selection with the largest walk-in humidor throughout St. Catharines, ON.

Our cigar and tobacco shop has risen in notoriety because our staff is in love with the world of cigars. We put our best effort into customer satisfaction as our skilled and knowledgeable staff provide guidance, support, and prompt service. So come on in and visit us at Havana Castle Cigars - St. Catharines Location, where we are committed to serve our community.


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